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Old 12-15-2013, 11:38 AM   #4228
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Default Re: What's in your smoker?

Originally Posted by OLS View Post

And then tonight, since I had the fever again, I cut a butt down into 4 big slabs and put it on the smoker.
I am counting on this being a little dry, but as much as I love the idea of a true, slow smoked butt, the
flavor once you get past the bark is SO BORING. I love pork roast, but once its cold, the flavor goes off some.
So this way, MAYBE I get a lot more bark than blah.

yeah, its Me....surprised

I agree Brad, once you get past the bark, butt from supermarket pork is pretty boring. Commercial pork has gone the way of the supermarket tomato, bred for size and appearance and in the process, turned flavorless.

I've taken to 24+ hour brining and injecting the heck out of supermarket stuff for this reason. Only time I don't do it is when I buy the heritage breed seed feed pork from one of the local farmers - it doesn't need it since it actually has flavor.
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