12-13-2013, 01:54 PM
Join Date: Oct 2008
First Name: Darryl
Location: Hamilton, ON. Canada.
Posts: 2,747
Re: Favorite Snack Food
Originally Posted by AdamJoshua
When I was in Canada a few years ago I got addicted to these little bastards, always a fan of the potato stick, but these are on an entirely different level, sadly they don't sell them in the states, seems to be a Canadian RE, I even ordered some off the internet a couple years ago, they were just as good as I remembered. Seeing as they are / were made by Hostess I'm thinking another end of an era.
Edit: Interesting note, Hostess was rebranded with the Lays name a decade ago, the only current Hostess product (branding wise) on the market in Canada are the Hickory Sticks.
So what's your favorite snack food?
I saw these today and thought of you.....   
How many you want???
Darryl, SOB...