12-08-2013, 09:14 PM
bon vivant
Join Date: Dec 2013
First Name: Xolotal
Location: Bay Area
Posts: 99
Re: opinions on mild and creamy smokes wanted
Originally Posted by pnoon
Thanks for the links.
I was being slightly ironic about the C-word, since forums and sites get so uptight about it. I, for one, think the whole thing is ridiculous and would love to have a choice of what I smoke. I have tried some Cubans, but they were in other countries or from.. other sources. Seems like things have changed over the years with the interwebs and all. Honestly, I liked a lot of what I had, but couldn't really experience the same range as a non-US resident would. The Cohibas have all changed since I tried them and the difference between an C and NC Hoyo or RnJ was staggering. But that was years ago...
~smoke is medicine and magic~