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Old 12-05-2013, 07:16 PM   #22
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Default Re: I Need A Little Help With A Handgun I'm Looking At.

A lot of the LEOs in my county carry these as a BUG. I personally don't like little guns, but that's a personal opinion. I had a Glock 27 which without the plus one extension on the magazine was little finger hanging off. I bought the extensions so that all fingers were on the grip and actually I shot the gun better without them which was the exact opposite result as most people get. As for me I carry a S&W E series full size 1911. Lot's of folks won't carry one because they think it's too hard to hide and it's simple not true. I have a holster from a Company in Jacksonville, Panther Concealment. It's an IWB and with that holster I can carry the 45 all day with no discomfort and usually just wear an x-large tshirt. I learned a long time ago that carrying requires some wardrobe adjustments. I usually buy my jeans 2 inches bigger than I wear to allow for the gun and one size bigger shirts than I fit into. Personally I don't feel comfortable carrying a small caliber gun, unless it's a BUG. But that's just me prolly.
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