I would not recommend this.
Edit to add. I had a chance to play with one a friend bought. Very long, heavy, gritty trigger pull. No safety, not a big deal. Mag did not drop free. Defense type sights. Shot about two feet low. I prefer apple-on-post. There was something else that was a rather large detract ion that I can't think of at the moment. IMO this is a pistol of last resort when you're getting your fanny kicked and have your primary taken from you.
I'd look at the beretta nano bu9. 9mm and similar size. Same long trigger take up, but it was fairly accurate for me. I loved shooting the one I borrowed.
All that said here is the disclaimer. I have had terrible luck with every ruger I've had. Jam monsters all. I sold my mini 14 during the "scare" and gave away my 10-22. I had a Taurus 709 slim and got rid of it for the same reasons listed above. I chose to put my confidence in my old reliable sig 239 in .40. It's damn near "duty size" compared to some of the new guns, but it works and I trust my life on it. The nano would be my second choice. Ruger somewhere behind bottled water and NATO meals.
Take that for what it is. Possible unfounded ruger hate, but my experience nonetheless. I have tried to like ruger, but I've been let down often. Now if someone were to bomb me a single six I'd review it here