Originally Posted by replicant_argent
.380 is pretty hard to find around here, I don't know about where you are. Keeping up your skills and practicing with something that is hard (or expensive) to feed is something to think about.
Ruger makes the LC9, which might be a better choice, along with quite a few other options. For the tradeoffs, I would always take a 9 over a 380.
1000-2000 rounds will last me for years, Pete. I doubt I'll even buy more than a single 1000 case. I don't shoot much here in OH because I don't know whee there are any Gamelands ranges. Back home there are a couple within a 10 minute drive of the house.
We shoot at my FIL's now. His neighbor has a nice range in the back yard, so it costs me nothing to shoot aside from ammo, and that's not gonna kill me for all the more we go.
Originally Posted by dijit
Have you ever thought of reloading your own? Its not as expensive as retail bullets unless you go for exotic high power powders and hollowpoints. I have loaded my own for years and even my defense rounds now are handloads.
I reloaded shot for years when we used to shoot trap every weekend. I kind of remember having stuff to reload .35 remington brass, but don't remember ever doing it.
I save all my 9mm brass just in case I ever get the urge, but it's not likely. I'll probably just end up giving the brass away. I can't stand to waste it, ya know?
Originally Posted by Remo
Scott, are you set on a 380? I am getting a new 9mm Shield, u may wanna check it out.
I'm not married to the .380 at all, Mikey. It's the price and that super sweet Crimson Trace that put a hook in me. $450 and the cost of a laser are way off what I'm looking at, plus that 9mm is twice the weight. Plus I already have a 9mm S&W Sigma. So the Shield isn't really an option, although it's a beautiful gun. If I had your money I'd get two!!!