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Old 12-03-2013, 06:06 PM   #6
Tio Gato
Uncle Kitty
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Default Re: Washer and Dryer Help

Be sure to check with your local utility. Many have programs of buy-backs and rebates to get customers to switch to more energy efficient appliances. They are paid for by the conservation fee on your bill.
I got a 100 bucks for an old 'fridge and 2 grand worth of free insulation from my electric company. The federal gov't sometimes has these programs as well.
Good Luck.

On Thursday a federally funded appliance buy-back program starts in CA. Check out
"You stink like cigars Uncle Kitty!" Said my Boo age 3.
"Kid, take care of your family and the hell with anyone else" My Grandpa Bubba.

Last edited by Tio Gato; 12-03-2013 at 06:19 PM. Reason: Added a link
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