Re: PS4 or Xbox One
So, the launch for both have happened. I'm curious to see what everyone thinks? I got my PS4 and so far I'm pleased with it. Everything runs great on it. Menu system is smooth as glass and games run very well. I've talked to my brother who has an Xbox One and he seems to think from our conversations that the PS4's menu system is a little better but that in time Xbox will get there. The games look great but neither console launched with that killer title so in time things will get better for both systems. I'm not about deciding a winner or loser here as I plan on getting both eventually. I like that PS4 is more geared towards gaming but I also feel that Xbox in time could be a great entertainment center console but right now I'm not a fan of Kinect just yet but I'm hoping MS works out some of the launch glitches and puts together an awesome kinect system eventually. Well, that's my  and look forward to hearing how it's going for everyone else
“When I have found intense pain relieved, a weary brain soothed, and calm, refreshing sleep obtained by a cigar, I have felt grateful to God, and have blessed His name.” Spurgeon