Thread: Tattoos?
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Old 11-27-2013, 11:04 PM   #335
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Default Re: Tattoos?

Originally Posted by Chainsaw13 View Post

What inspired the design?
Thanks guys. We started it last September. Then had to take a break from December to March because I wasn't employed. It was originally going to be black and white with heavy shading. We were almost done with that, and then I decided that it had to be color after seeing his work on my Wife's half sleeve. That added a lot of time, but I'm so happy I went with color. This guy is the best in Boston.

I love the Ocean, and it's traditions. My Dad was a GM1 in the Coast Guard, and I was born at Coast Guard boot camp when our family was stationed there. The CG is in my blood. I'm terrified of Sharks, so I wanted the Kraken to be winning the fight. The Lighthouse and Storms are about not losing your bearing when **** hits the fan, which applies to life right now ironically. I just showed him pictures of what I wanted, and he drew the design up.

The Artist is moving to Hawaii, and he said if I ever want work done that I can stay at his house with him and his Wife for a visit. His work is top notch.
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