Well, I've just smoked my Player's Club torpedo and find it was marvelous. Granted, as I stated earlier it has been locked away at the bottom of my cigar chest out of the cellophane for about 8 years, maybe more, so they aren't going to taste anything like something you take out of a box brand new and torch up. I vaguely remember now that I bought them as a close out, maybe from JR's, as a failed boutique cigar for an actor who played in the TV show The Sopranos. Not, Tony, he has his own brand, but one of the other guys. Bravo. I've got like ten more that will probably age another few years before I smoke another one because they are maduros and I prefer milder Connecticut cigars, but still very nice and top even the nicest maduros I've tested recently, like Nubs and Pinar Del Rios'. I smoked mine with a La LLave coffee, but they will probably be good with a nice single malt.