Originally Posted by garryyjr
I had a God of Fire I hung on to for a couple of months, waiting for a good day to smoke it. I decided to break it out while at my fathers house, first time we smoked together.
Just a BLAH kinda smoke.. was no impressed. I wanted to toss it, but it wasn't bad, just way under.... taste.
It was gifted to me. I do not see the 25-29 dollar price tag for how it was. I am glad I didn't pay for it.
I actually won a single off of C Bid a few years ago and was pretty damn excited for it. Well, I tossed it into the humidor and just kinda forgot about it for a while. Finally, my birthday rolled around and I remembered that I had it buried. So I get my smoking area all set up, drink poured, good book in hand. I sit down and open up the tube to find it completely encased in mold. Noooooooooo!