Originally Posted by Bruins Fan
If it's a bang....bang play the fielder gets it.
Can't resist a little story .....
Was playing wiffle ball in the back yard with our 5 year old nephew last summer. Great game ... the kid can hit and I was making some amazing out of the trees catches. It all came down to his last at bat ... bases loaded, two outs, two strikes. He hit a line drive right at me. I knocked the ball down, grabbed it and raced to first base. There stood my wife ... she was first base ... kinda looking like a deer in the headlights as we both ran right at her. Tough gal ... she didn't flinch. My nephew beat me by maybe half a step but he was clearly safe. Unfortunately, my left eye collided with the top of my wife's head. She was fine but I walked around for a month with a black eye.
Who says baseball isn't a contact sport?