Thread: MLB 2013 Thread
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Old 10-18-2013, 12:46 PM   #486
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Default Re: MLB 2013 Thread

357 said guys are getting injured all the time completing or breaking up DP's at 2nd. Admittedly, I don't watch much baseball anymore but I don't think that happens much anymore. I mean really going hard into the shortstop. Hell, you really can't - the shortstop is almost in right field before he throws the ball to first.

Gotta go in spikes first Peter, unless you mandate head first (Pete Rose) slides into double plays. The only point I draw the line is where maniacs like Ty Cobb would literally sharpen his spikes to intimidate others. And apparently, it wasn't just bravado - he really went in to rip guys up and hurt them. Great player, but POS human being.
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