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Old 10-07-2013, 03:06 PM   #886
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Default Re: New Pipe Smoker With A Question? Ask an Old Fart

Originally Posted by ABQChris View Post
Hi there! From one old fart to another, I'm thinking about switching from my old standby pipe tobacco, Gawith's Dark Bird's Eye, to an aromatic. Oddly, I've been searching for hours and can't find anything online about the nicotine content of aromatics.

Does something cheaper, like Admiral's Choice, contain decent nicotine content? Also, is it normally considered reasonable on the lungs to inhale aromatics (I inhale the Dark Bird's Eye perhaps twice per bowl)? I should know these things after smoking a pipe for nearly four years, but I simply don't. Thank you! I appreciate it.
The constituent tobaccos are what contain the nicotine. If you have been getting a nicotine hit from Dark Bird's Eye and not been nauseous or unconscious, you will not find the same nic fix in any aromatic - unless it is an aromatic made from Dark Bird's Eye. in fact, there are not many other tobaccos out there that will give you such a nic hit.

Oh wait, try the Gawith flavored ropes, they would be the only tobacco that I could think of that would come do that. I know the ropes have quite a nic hit, but I've never tried their aromatic ropes before. I will say that the Gawith aromatics are not usually something that American palates truly appreciate.
Todd__ "Smoke what you like, and enjoy it!"
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