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Old 10-01-2013, 09:55 PM   #129
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Default Re: Breaking Bad Season 5

Originally Posted by RobR1205 View Post
Yeah I will agree with you rob. The show was almost perfect, but certainly had its flaws. The ricin in the last episode, for example, would decompose in hot or boiling water in real life thus not causing it to poison someone like it did to Lydia. The madrigal company definitely could have Been explained better because when they first introduced it in season five, I was like: who are these people? But at this point, I'm just nitpicking at small imperfections in the show.
Well I didn't catch the ricin technicality but I really feel while they did an excellent job making Lydia out to be up tight and analytic one obviously can tell she merely has connections and thereby makes her money, her hands are too unsteady to get dirty. So I feel that even with her death there are some Czech's out there going WTF... Not that it really matters to Walt anymore, but if they dug deep enough it could affect Skyler and Jr.

Jesse driving off into the night is a nice touch, but realistically, if the cops were on the way after the M-60 report, they would have seen the suspect car speeding off, bashed by the front gate it busted through, stopped it and got him. Guess thats why you have to suspend reality a bit... All this speculation about him going to get Brock is a nice after thought, but if his mother was just murdered would the child not be in protective custody or a child care home? both requiring Jesse to face authority figures? like I said, its a nice thought but doubtful...

with no money, possibly a house that everyone in ABQ knows the location of, I see Jesse driving that car off into the desert, running out of gas, and as he hikes to the next town jesse dies alone in the desert of dehydration... <end scene>

also, the body placement of Walt and Jesse during the m-60 onslaught, how is it possible that walt would get hit and not Jesse with a round so powerful laying in the position they were?

these are minor details, but the 1, SINGLE, cliche that bothered me most about the whole episode... Jack played along only too well by letting Walt egg him on to bring Jesse to the room when accusing them of being partners, I think that exchange between Walt and Jack could have used some more tweaking, Wouldn't a man like Jack just not proceed to beat the piss out of someone that said he was partners with a rat? I think Walt could have/should have for realism, taken a punch or 2 there before making Todd produce Jesse from the lab...

And while most people got the idea of the wooden box dream Jesse was having, it was only touched on once before in the entire run of the show, I would have liked to see more of Jesse's simpler dream...

As for Walt, something that bothers me is while we did see him enjoy himself marginally, and we did see him gather a butt ton of money, we never really get to see him as a King-esque figure, except save maybe the 1 shot of him in the back seat of Mikes car when he says "because I said so..."

All the above aside, I thoroughly enjoyed the show, and much like the drug they were producing itself, it has left me twitching and wanting more...
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