Originally Posted by dvickery
cigars...I don't know about(hookers either)but Guatemala was my favorite country the 2 times I went to central America.
if she hasn't got a charity already lined up...proyecto ak tenamit...would be a worthy start.
tell her to leave guat city as soon as she can...I went east to Puerto barrios...on to Livingston...rio dulce to proyecto...on to city of rio dulce...had to fly to flores...tikal...and so on.
Antigua Guatemala is/was interesting also(of the 3 days I spent in guat city...one was spent in Antigua Guatemala).
I will reiterate...proyecto ak tenamit...a more than worthwhile charity.
She is going with a group of Ortho surgeons doing Diabetic foot care.
Her specialty is Orthotics and shoe building. Just finished her Masters

I believe they are keeping to the Guatemala City area.