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Old 09-27-2013, 12:53 PM   #9
Buckeye Jack
Havana Daydreamin'
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Default Re: Looking for a tablet to take on my deployment

To each his own, but just curious, why not an ipad "out of principle"? I can definitely understand if there is a personal reason like Apple screwed you over once, but if not, just curious. I say run what you want, no harm no foul.....personally for me, thats an iPad Mini.....

I choose iPad because for that last 4-5 years I have supported smart phones and tablets at work and Android's give us the most problems....

I think if I were going Android, I'd look at the Nexus products from LG/Google. I carried a Nexus 4 for a few months while testing it out and it was the best android device I had used (still went back to my iPhone). the 7" I've never gotten to play with but I've heard good things
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