Peavy tips his hand?
So there is a report out that Jake Peavy told Todd Helton, "I'm going to throw you all heaters" before Helton's final home game.
Helton then crushed a 375' homerun on a Peavy fastball in his first at bat.
It's pretty clear that Peavy will never admit to this, but Troy Tulowitzki was the one that spilled the beans.
To me, Helton has been around for a long long time, he seems like one of the really good guys in baseball, he's well liked and respected by fans and players a like. The RedSox already had the division wrapped up, they pretty much have home field throughout the playoffs, so this had little to no implications for the RedSox team.
To me this is still a kids game, a kids game men play and get paid millions to play but it's still a game, most of these guys are friends and all for the most part respect each other, let's face it Helton still had to hit the pitch and hit just right to get it out, as a sports and life long RedSox fan I'm fine with it, in the words of Judge Snyder from the Simpsons "I declare, boys will be boys", let them have a bit of fun, it was good for Todd, it was good for the fans who were able to give him a huge standing ovation in his last game, which was a sell out of over 48K just to see him in his last home game, after SEVENTEEN YEARS, at home, god bless him.
Personally I think sports could use more of these personal moments, sometimes its fun to watch the boys be boys, it was fun and touching to watch Big Papi give Mo a bear hug in his last game at Fenway, it's fun to watch Peyton smack Eli on the helmet like a big brother should after destroying his team in a game, I just think these things are good for sports and are good for us as people... in the end it's just a game.