Originally Posted by T.G
Nicely done Mike. Would have been ecstatic had my first attempt come out that well.
Thanks. There's quite a bit leftover. The Au Jus came out great too. My only problem with it was a foil failure that cause 75% of it to spill before I could capture it.
Originally Posted by Smokin Gator
Killer looking chuckies Mike. They are a staple on my smoker and I use the meat for all kind of secondary dishes. Congrats on the UDS build as well. I don't use mine too much any more, but there is something unique and wonderful about that fat dripping down on those coals!!
One suggestions... and this is one of those that can start a war... Drop the Kingsford and find an "All Natural" charcoal. There are a lot of good ones out there, but they can be a pain to acquire. I have been using Stubbs for the last 4-5 years and like it. Lowes carries it down here. Not sure about other areas.
You will find you have way less ash (fact), the aroma while cooking is much more pleasing (opinion), and the finished product tastes better (opinion).
Thanks for the compliments. I will be getting lump charcoal next time. I stocked up on the KB when they had the Memorial Day sale. I'm too cheap to ditch it, so I'll have to burn through the 120lbs or so I have left. Since you regularly do chuckies, do you have a different rub for them or do you use the same one you'd use for pork?
Originally Posted by T.G
If you go with Gator's advice on the charcoal and find yourself looking at lump charcoal, here's a reasonable reference:
While some of the stuff on the site is a bit dated, the bad charcoals haven't gotten any better.
Funny you posted that link. I found the same one on SMF (SmokingMeatForum) and I have it bookmarked for when my KB runs out. Thanks, I appreciate it.
Originally Posted by jjirons69
Great looking smoker, Mike! Fun, ain't it!?!?
Heck yea it's fun.

I'm already trying to figure out what I can smoke next. The weather gets cold fast here and I want to get some smoking done before it's 20 degrees during daylight hours.