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Old 09-23-2013, 12:21 PM   #84
Adjusting to the Life
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Question Re: The Official Asylum Freshwater Tank Thread

Originally Posted by jjirons69 View Post
Test your local water, if it's soft, the West African or Amazon tank is just right. If it's hard, a little additional African salt and you can have some nice Tanganyikan cichlids.
Ok, Jamie. You and Ray now have my interest piqued regarding dwarf cichlids. Especially Blue Rams. I also visited a LFS in Manhattan called Pacific Aquarium where I was knocked out by their display tank which looks like this...

So, as you suggested, I'd like to test my local water to see what my starting point is. That means I need a kit of some sort, yes? I'm excited. It'll be my first aquarium-related purchase. Looking online, there seems to be dozens to choose from: quick dip, battery operated, etc. Can you guys recommend one that'll suit my needs?
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