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Old 09-23-2013, 10:11 AM   #4146
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Default Re: What's in your smoker?

Originally Posted by MarkinCA View Post
In regards to the hardwoods, I've recently been using Trader Joe's 100% Natural Hardwood Briquettes with no issues. I can say the briquettes provide a consistent and long burn time

Thanks for the lump charcoal website Adam. Handy reference!
I'm probably going to switch over to the TJ hardwood briquettes since I've been kind of disappointed with KF blue of late. I bought a pallet of the "new" stuff at the last sale and after going through about half of it (roughly 240 lbs so far), I've pretty much confirmed that my burn rates are way up, so something changed again. Not sure if they changed the formula or not, but the new smaller briquette size means you're getting more briquettes per volume and that means more burning surface area, and being smaller, they don't last as long. Royal PITA having to reload and clear ash more often now. One of the things that kept me with KF Blue was the lower burn temps, but now, since I'm ending up with more surface area burning, my temps are higher, back in the ranges I saw with Rancher years ago, since I'm going to be stuck with higher temps one way or the other I see no point in continuing to use something that has to be replenished more often.

Anyone want a good deal on 280# of KF Blue? Local pickup only... free apple wood ('cuz I hate it) with every purchase... lol

Last edited by T.G; 09-23-2013 at 10:17 AM.
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