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Old 09-23-2013, 04:59 AM   #22
Posts: n/a
Default Re: The Moped of Cigars

my "moped" of cigars? hmm... that's an interesting question.

To ring in with the rest, Smoke what you enjoy and damn what people may think about it...

But to answer the question as I suspect you meant it, I would have to say my "moped" is typically any Gurkha that has found its way into my collection. I enter the experience thinking, this is probably going to be disappointing, that way, if I enjoy any part of the smoke I have gotten more out of it than I expected.

Ill give Gurkha its due however, the Black Ops and the Gurkha Ninja weren't half bad. Then again I guess when you make 1000+ blends you are bound to find one that isn't half bad. just be prepared to be let down with the other 998...
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