Re: The Official Asylum Freshwater Tank Thread
Set up a 75 instead of a 55, due to a bigger/better footprint. Here's a stock list for you.....
3 groups of different Apistogramma cichlid species
20-30 Neons or Cardinals
6-10 Cories (Sterbai cories are great)
a single pearl gourami would probably do well with these fish as well as a couple misc plecos. Don't do common or sailfin plecos as they get way too big for a 75.
This list has a lot of substitutes as well. Different small cichlids for the apistos, different characins or cyprinids instead of neons, smaller loaches instead of cories, etc.
Pool filter sand makes a great substrate if you want to save money and is great for cories and loaches. There are many easy to keep plants that would be great for your setup. One of my favs is the java fern. Pretty easy to keep.
Couple more links for you: (lots of info on plants) (one of the best vendors out there) (another great vendor with an amazing selection)