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Old 09-18-2013, 03:45 PM   #15
Chillin in the Aging Room
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Default Re: 65% Heartfelt beads leave my humidor at 72%

Originally Posted by JJKJR View Post
I just had a similar issue with too much humidity. It caused my sticks the draw hard. It was from the Heartfelt Beads. There's another thread on this forum somewhere that talks about not fully charging their Heartfelt Beads which finally brought down the humidity. I did it slowly over 3 weeks and it worked. During that time I dry boxed a few sticks and smoked those until the humi dried out.
I try to only charge 1/2-3/4 of the beads making sure I still have white (dry) beads to allow them to absorb excess humidity. That's the whole point of the beads. Make sure you don't charge 100% of your beads or you won't be able to even out an over humidified humidor.
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