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Old 09-17-2013, 11:17 AM   #5
Porch Dweller
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Default Re: Anyone had trouble lately with Cigarbid shipping?

Originally Posted by hazydat620 View Post
I had won a mod tracker digicamo pack for like $24, I was stoked, until I get it and they shipped me a browning mossy oak pack. You can get those @ wally world for $24. Called customer and they said sorry, but they had no more of what I won. They said I had two options, keep it, or send it back on my dime and they will refund the cost of the pack. The shipping alone on the thing would have been close to $16, So I kept it and never placed another bid.
Oh, that's horse$hit. They sent you something you didn't order and then said you'd have to pay to return it? I'd have been asking to speak to boss after boss on that one.
Originally Posted by hazydat620 View Post
Porch Dweller... did they make you send back what they had sent you?
They sent UPS to pick up the box of Rojos due to the box being damaged, for claims purposes. I told the UPS guy that I didn't think for a second that the box came apart due to mishandling; I gave it to him in the original shipping box and it didn't have a mark on it.

For the MOWs, they sent me a return label. I'll be calling UPS in a bit and they'll come by and pick it up.
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