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Old 09-10-2013, 09:52 PM   #54
Just in from the Storm
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Default Re: Anyone else have a "cigar bequest?"

Originally Posted by galaga View Post
You may be old but at least you're slow.......

You can call me rick, but don't ask Pete about the name slappy, as he probably would have trouble remembering the story and would ramble on for hours.

I used to have LeafHog's phone # and call him once and a while, but when I upgraded from my party line, I lost some phone numbers. Hear from him ever?

I don't worry about leaving my cigars when I go; I know eventually I will start smoking faster than I buy
I talk to LeafHog pretty much every week. He is the beneficiary of my humidors, although he does not know this & please don't tell him as I do not wish to spoil the surprise, or ambush, whatever the perspective.

I will PM his cell # to you.

I find the whole "smoking faster than you buy" idea would entail smoking OP's would it not? Unfortunately, most hand-offs from my friends would probably taste like a fart boiled in a shoe, but then again, like Imhotep, I have the palate of a billy goat anywho.
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