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Old 09-10-2013, 07:30 AM   #21
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Default Re: CAMPING GEAR Recommendations

Originally Posted by ninjavanish View Post
Call me old fashioned but... leave the iphone at home or in the car. If you absolutely just have to take it with... theres a wonderful battery preservation option called the off.
I agree with this to a point. With all the apps out. There is a sever weather app. And I would have the local DNR number where ever I am. Your right, I would turn it off and enjoy the woods.

Originally Posted by Robulous78 View Post
if I did find myself out on a longer hike, being able to use the a map app would be pretty useful...
Rob Rob rob. Do I need to teach you how to use a map and compass.

Now for my great. I have an old one may tent that I got when I was in Boy Scouts. No idea what the name is and if you can still get it.

Shoes/boots. I use my military issued boots. Bates. Once they are broken in they can last for a long time. I still wear mine from my Iraq 2007 deployment.

Fire. Well this is where I keep a lot of choices. I keep flint/steel, 9v bat and steel wool (goes up like a champ) a bag of dyer lint, and last but not least. A tampon soaked in lighter fuild. This is in case there is a shat storm.

Food, SPAM, freeze dried crap.

Knife. I carry a few. Let see a Bowie Knife (because you never know when you need to knife fight) and one of my random pocket knifes.

Sleeping bag. I use to use a Colman -10 below sleeping bag. Since I have joined the military I have "found" an extra military sleeping I use that. It has 3 layers top layer being water resistant cover (I like being dry).

I like to cook over the open fire with some small pots and pans

Last but not least a First Aid kit. Loaded with gaze, turnikits, and if can get the some Quickclot gaze. This is used to stop bleeding in extreme situations.

I hope this helps.

GMCGTPWHAF Tennessee Chapter. Down with the bloody BIG HEAD
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