Originally Posted by ninjavanish
Call me old fashioned but... leave the iphone at home or in the car. If you absolutely just have to take it with... theres a wonderful battery preservation option called the off.
I agree with this to a point. With all the apps out. There is a sever weather app. And I would have the local DNR number where ever I am. Your right, I would turn it off and enjoy the woods.
Originally Posted by Robulous78
if I did find myself out on a longer hike, being able to use the a map app would be pretty useful...
Rob Rob rob. Do I need to teach you how to use a map and compass.
Now for my great. I have an old one may tent that I got when I was in Boy Scouts. No idea what the name is and if you can still get it.
Shoes/boots. I use my military issued boots. Bates. Once they are broken in they can last for a long time. I still wear mine from my Iraq 2007 deployment.
Fire. Well this is where I keep a lot of choices. I keep flint/steel, 9v bat and steel wool (goes up like a champ) a bag of dyer lint, and last but not least. A tampon soaked in lighter fuild. This is in case there is a shat storm.
Food, SPAM, freeze dried crap.
Knife. I carry a few. Let see a Bowie Knife (because you never know when you need to knife fight) and one of my random pocket knifes.
Sleeping bag. I use to use a Colman -10 below sleeping bag. Since I have joined the military I have "found" an extra military sleeping I use that. It has 3 layers top layer being water resistant cover (I like being dry).
I like to cook over the open fire with some small pots and pans
Last but not least a First Aid kit. Loaded with gaze, turnikits, and if can get the some Quickclot gaze. This is used to stop bleeding in extreme situations.
I hope this helps.