In no particular order...
Victorinox BaseCamp Model Chronograph Watch w/date
Victorinox Locksmith Model Locking Folder w/ Metal hacksaw blade
Bic Lighter
Keys w/ Mini Victorinox Keychain knife
1 Roll Gorilla Tape (general repair, and sadly, Auto Repair)
Tent (Breakdown)
Golf Umbrella (rain)
Crowbar (you never quite know when you might get the urge for some B&E... LOL )
mini sledgehammer (yea, don't screw around, Also see above...)
Channel Lock Pliers
Needle Nose Pliers
Dell Studio XPS 1600 & Charger
Legal Pad in Padfolio
Papermate Flair Pens (3 Black, 3 Red)
Sharpie's (1 Medium Black, 1 Bold Black)
2 Highlighters (1 Yellow, 1 Orange)
Iphone Charger
Personal Hygiene
Axe Body Spray
Crest Flosser Picks
Listerine Mouthwash (travel size)
Chewing Gum
Visine Red-out Eye Drops
Just in Case
Maglite Mini LED Flashlight w/2 extra AA Batts
2 EXTRA FRIGGIN LARGE black trashbags (can be made into a tent/poncho if needed)
1 half roll Electrical Tape
1 10 ft length para-cord (bundled)
Boredom Preparedness
2 Hohner Harmonica's (keys of C & G)
2 Issues Cigar Aficionado
Monthly Cigar Catalogs
Smoke Stuff
Humidcare 5ct Travelador w/ Boveda pack
Smoke Kit (my own making) Containing the following:
Triple Flame Vector Cigar lighter
Mini Bottle Ronson Butane
Pouch Tobacco
Pipe Tamper Tool
4 Pipe Cleaners
Nub Cigar cutter
Wheew, even I didn't realize I carried all that crap...
Boy Scout Motto - "Always Be Prepared... "