Originally Posted by shilala
Lansky makes the best knife sharpening kit in the world for hand lapping.
I have a crazy expensive electric glass wheel deal for my chisels and stuff, but I don't touch knives to it. That's what the Lansky is for.
It's a time consuming thing, perfect for while you're watching a movie or whatever.
Gonna have to politely dissagree with you here Scott.
Lansky is very entry level, it is what I use but it is not well built and doesn't have much room for adjustment. If you intend to achieve a mirror edge you must reprofile every blade in the beggining to make the edge match the system instead of the other way around. It takes hours to go from reprofile to mirror finish but it can be done. The Wicked Edge is 10x faster, better built and more adjustable and accurate.

Just costs many times more than the Lansky so it comes down to a personal choice of quality & effeciency vs cost.
*Note the WE sharpens both edges at the same time, meaning an edge burr can't form.