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Old 08-26-2013, 03:07 PM   #233
Mr B
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Default Re: Raiders Fans - Check in

That's the media for ya. Mark Davis said, live on T.V. after his father died, that his first order if business was going to be to Hire a G.M. He addmitted that he wanted to get someone there that knows alot more than he does about running a football team. That is exactly what he did. I'm quite sure that Al was not much for "sharing" his thoughts on running the business (team) with his son. in fact Al made it pretty clear that he did not share much about the team with Mark at all.
Let Reggie do his job for a while. Lets see what he can do over the next few years. Cuz thats what it's gonna take...years possibly.
And there came a voice to him: “Rise, Peter; kill and eat.” Acts 10:13
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