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Old 08-25-2013, 09:18 PM   #6
Don't Taze me Bro!
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Default Re: Uneven burn issues in San Francisco

Interesting, I do not recall having any issues myself unless I tried to smoke at Ocean Beach. I used to live on 28th and Judah. While the humidity is high outside, I never seemed to have an issue keeping my humidor in the 65-68% range.

I do know that I hardly ever recharged my beads. lol

What is the humidity in your humidor? Are you using a calibrated digital hygrometer or an analog one? Would be interesting to see the humidity inside your humidor.

Have you tried dry boxing your cigars for a day or two before smoking? I would try a dry box or cab to see if that helps.

I am also a pretty fast smoker and do not mind touching up my cigars, so maybe I just never noticed it.

Head over to the New Inmate Processing Area and post up an introduction. That way people can get to know you a little better. There are 10-20 guys all over the Bay Area that get together quite frequently.

Good luck!
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