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Old 08-22-2013, 04:20 PM   #1392
Porch Dweller
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Default Re: The Bourbon Thread!!

Originally Posted by Sanitariumite View Post
I'm deployed to the beautiful country of Afghanistan right now, and won't be back for another 8 months or so. I've decided to send my wife on a quest for THE bottle of bourbon that's going to be waiting to welcome me home (after she does, of course.) My question to all of you is: if it were you, what would be the bottle you'd choose? This will be my first taste of whiskey in close to a year, and I want something that's worth the wait. Something to blow my mind and tastebuds into a state of sweet bourbon-ey nirvana. So let's hear it, gents. What are your personal recommendations?
Pappy Van Winkle. Get her started looking now as it'll probably take eight months to find a bottle.

Stay safe, and keep one in the chamber around the locals.
A 1911 in the hand is faster than 911 on the phone
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