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Old 08-22-2013, 10:12 AM   #60
Adjusting to the Life
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Default Re: Cigars & our better half...

There are plenty of things my wife busts my balls about. Cigars are not one of them. Thank God. I won't go so far as to say she encourages my cigar hobby, but she doesn't give me a bad time about it, which is a joy. I am grateful for that.

I try not to make it a pain in her ass tho: I don't smoke too often, I don't have a massive walk-in humidor, I don't spend all of our money on cigars. And I rarely smoke indoors. On occasions when I do, I make every effort to clear the smoke out. My dream of dreams is to someday have a cigar room complete with a top-of-the-line air filtration system. But until that day arrives, I'll continue to enjoy 99.9% of my cigars outdoors.

You know what they say, "happy wife, happy life."
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