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Old 08-21-2013, 08:15 PM   #16
Porch Dweller
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Default Re: Ramon Bueso Genesis The Project

Originally Posted by Weelok View Post
Unfortunately they tasted like they smelled ROTT which is a harsh chemical taste. I pulled them out of the box and have been letting them air out and rest since March when I bought them. My Coolidor exchanges a lot of air so I wasn't worried about the smell tainting my other cigars but if you have a sealed humidor I would not store them with my others until they air out.

On a good note, after 6 months they are tasting good My basic thoughts is they were rushed due to CI delivery schedules so took short cuts. Simple bit of better QA and this problem would be solved but doubt they'll get the break they need.

Another thing I didn't like was they dyed the wrappers. While somewhat common and certainly acceptable in a $3 dollar cigar, I wouldn't pay more than $3
I've smoked a ton of these and never seen any indication of dye.

Did you contact CI when you got the box with the issues? Their customer service is great and I imagine they would have replaced it.
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