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Old 08-17-2013, 07:51 PM   #9
Porch Dweller
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Default Re: Don Pepin Garcia Serie JJ Selectos Maduro Review

Originally Posted by Outlaw God View Post
Good to know my reviews are accepted and respected but not my questions that I need to do my own home work and not trust the experience of other members
Really? Let's look at the "cellophane incident":
1) You posted the opinion of an author who stated that cellophane slows or even halts the aging process and he prefers to remove the cellophane.
2) Several very experienced smokers thought that went 100% against their experiences, especially since cellophane is porous and let's the cigar "breathe".
3) You took issue - rightly so - with those that criticized your point based on the author's photo.
4) Other's agreed with you for that.
5) To bolster your support for the author's claims, you posted two photographs of obviously moldy cigars, claiming it was plume while stating "'s NOT mold", and wrongly stating that plume was an indicator of "richer aging", whatever that means.
6) Everybody and their grandma pointed out that what you were claiming was plume was in fact mold. Others pointed out that plume, when it occurs, is only an indicator of proper storage, not this nebulous "richer aging".
7) You claimed that a clique was out to get you through judgmental criticism and proceeded to label people who did not agree with you "despairing old men" and "the flaming pinhole view of life crowd".

You might want to step back and take a broader look at this. You expected people to take your opinion as fact, yet you refused to give others the same benefit. When it was pointed out - rightly so - that you were wrong in thinking that mold was plume, you resulted to name-calling and insults. Either just about everyone who responded to you is for some unfathomable reason out to get you or maybe...just were in the wrong.

A question: did you ever take pnoon's advice and post your pictures of moldy cigars to other cigar forums and ask "Is this mold or plume?" If so, what was the result? If you had, you would have been told that it was mold. I would assume that in that case you would be adult enough to apologize to those you insulted here at CA.
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