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Old 08-08-2013, 11:22 AM   #1
Just in from the Storm
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Default A few questions on palate development

Howdy all,

While I have smoked the occasional (3-4/yr) cigars since the 1980's, I have only recently started to smoke once a week or so. In the past I smoked maduro type cigars - particularly Hoyo de Monterrey excalibur, Punch, etc. Obviously the industry has exploded over the last decade or so and there are a lot of options out there.
I liken this a bit to wine palate development. Back in college I thought Sutter Home White Zinfandel was a classy way to get a buzz on with my date. Now I have been through all sorts of changes in what I like in wine, drifting from california reds to oregon pinot noir and off to european wines. Now I go back and try to enjoy that Sutter Home wine and I find it undrinkable.
Does this happen to the cigar smoker?
I was reading a thread about CC (of which I smoked many last week in Jamaica) and wondered if in a few years my palate would learn to appreciate them. I enjoyed a few of them but in general I guess I didn't see what all the fuss is about as compared to your typical NC Cigar.
Anyway, like the good student that I am I would like to recommendations as to a few different avenues to try some different smokes. I have ordered a few sample packs but perhaps there are a few "must try" ones out there that you can point me toward. We don't have a B&M near my area but I'm sure that I can get a few on my next trip to DC or Pittsburgh.
Thanks and sorry for the somewhat rambling post.
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