About a societal trend that has started to bug me. I know most of us BOTL's are willing to lend a hand to those in need, as it seems like we have a different moral code. I was reminded yesterday of just how opposite the rest of the world can be at times.
I ran to Walmart after a very hectic work day. Had to get diapers, dog food, yadda yadda. Super Walmart is a big place, and always busy. Took me about 45 minutes to gather my items, and get out.
On the way to my car, I notice an older woman a few rows over with the hood open and a HAMMER in her hand. I zig zagged through the cars, cart and all, to see if I could help out. She let me know that she couldn't get the car started (obviously). She called her husband, and he told her the starter was going out, and to tap on it with a hammer. Of course I was wondering what she was doing on the TOP END of the engine compartment. I looked in to see that she had been beating on the AC compressor, shich she thought was the starter.
I told her the location of the starter, and I crawled under with the hammer to tap on it while she tried turning the key. No dice. I thought maybe the starter was just done, and needed to be towed. But I asked if I could try to start it. She agreed, and I sat down in the driver's seat to take a look. I noticed that she had left the gear selector in drive. I put it in park, and it started right up.
When I told her, she started to cry. I just told her it happens, no biggie. She even tried to pay me, which of course I would never accept. She thanked me probably a million times, and I told her I was just glad to help out. And to avoid turning on the AC until she gets it checked out. She told me she had been out there for over 30 minutes, and not a SINGLE person stopped. 2 people even parked in the space next to her, and just ignored her completely.
As I'm walking back to my car, I started thinking. And I was saddened that more people out there would rather avoid/ignore than help. My children definitely aren't going to be raised that way.
I'm not telling this story for a "good for you" or an e-pat on the back. I find it should be a responsibility of those that can help, TO help. It SHOULD be that way. Especially with something as simple as helping someone with a car problem.
Okay, end rant.