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Old 01-23-2009, 03:09 PM   #306
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Default Re: The Official Asylum Reef Tank Thread

There are a couple different types of bristle worms, or fire worms. First there are the normal ones you see in your tank that are red have hints of blue. They can be anywhere from 1" to 7" then there are what is called polychaete worms that can grow much longer and fatter. Eucinid worms are more of a night time predator than the bristle worms that just scavenge for the most part.

A word for the wise, If you do get stung by a bristle worm get a large bowl and fill it with tap water. Then heat the water to as high a temperature as you can handle. The heat of the water will dissolve the spines as well as the poison. Their poison is a heat soluble protein that if exposed to high temperatures soon enough will lessen the effects. Although you bay stilll be tingly for a few days.
(this technique also works well with lion fish stings too. But it still hurts like a mo fo)
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