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Old 08-02-2013, 05:10 PM   #5987
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Default Re: First Firearm Thread.

Sig is not the only one that is capable of the conversion other makes do it too.

Firearms are like anything else, it's all in the users perspective. I've always used the line of, "I can recommend you that $3000 Wilson Combat on the shelf that's guaranteed to shoot 2" at 25 yards, but if it doesn't shoot well for you I just sold you a $3000 paper weight." I know you're in a tight situation of not being able to try before you buy, but I hope that you can.

On the flip side you learn to adapt to the firearm. My coworkers always challenged me to pick up any firearm on our shelf and shoot it well before they even considered showing me how to or even working on the triggers of my own pistols. I'll say it took me a long time before I had my first pistol worked on.

Originally Posted by Robulous78 View Post
That does sound like a winner... I am going to look into it further... I have a guest that is actually a huge H&K guy that is trying to talk me into one of them... IDK if I wanna afford that when there are other options on the market, however.

I am really giving a lot of thought to the AR-build as well... can anyone tell me some good uppers? what makes one upper/barrel combo worth 500 and the next worth 2000?
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