Originally Posted by maninblack
601 Blues.
x1000 I know it goes without saying but lets give a good cigar its fair due...
Originally Posted by Remo
I agree with the "A" and "AAA" dark beauties that get overlooked in my humi. But everytime I smoke one I enjoy it!!
I agree with these, especially the AAA, with some forgotten age, they are immaculate...
Originally Posted by Weelok
Man O War Ruination and Padilla 32. I think the Padilla's are no longer in production but I've a bunch and I haven't bought any Ruination's in over a year but still have a few in the humidor somewhere. I may have to dig one out to remind myself again why I liked them so much.
The Ruination is pretty good but not a favorite of mine, and if you have any Padilla 32's you wanna get rid of you should PM this guy right here...