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Old 07-29-2013, 01:34 PM   #1
Porch Dweller
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Porch Dweller is a splendid one to beholdPorch Dweller is a splendid one to beholdPorch Dweller is a splendid one to beholdPorch Dweller is a splendid one to beholdPorch Dweller is a splendid one to beholdPorch Dweller is a splendid one to beholdPorch Dweller is a splendid one to beholdPorch Dweller is a splendid one to behold
Default Cigars You Take For Granted

I fired up a Perdomo Lot 23 Maduro Robusto today. I always have a few of these on hand and kind of take them for granted, but they're always tasty, always well constructed, and never disappoint. So, what cigars do you take for granted? In other words, smokes that you always have a few on hand, are consistently good, but don't get the attention that you give to your "sexier" cigars?
A 1911 in the hand is faster than 911 on the phone
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