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Old 07-27-2013, 12:07 PM   #5011
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Default Re: What cigar did you smoke today V?

Originally Posted by RepoGenetic View Post
Thanks Jake! It had been awhile since I had one. Burned real solid until inexplicably it went real south in the last third and I had to pitch it. No worries, as it gave me the opportunity for a palate cleanse by nubbing a first gen Aurora 100 Anos.

Incidentally, I grew up in your neck of the woods, Stonington to be exact. Haven't been back in a few years but my brother in law is opening a brewery up in Vernon in a few months, so I'm hoping to make the trip back for the launch. Have to look into those Toppers while I'm there!

Nice, I just got here and I'm digging it so far!
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