Originally Posted by Outlaw God
Just called the company (855) 621-5097 and they said they change there distribution to them self over there old distributors and NOT going out of business
If only someone from H&S could have come here a few weeks ago and said that, maybe even in this thread, you could have saved a phone call.
Originally Posted by HAMMER + SICKLE
We are proud to say Hammer + Sickle is still alive and well. My name is Eric Hanson and I am the Founder and Chairman of the company. There is no separation from the vodka, we are still one company. We have simply moved cigar distribution companies from The Cigar Agency to our own in house distribution. We will be at the IPCPR showcasing our newest cigar Icon Series and our new website will be launching this Friday. Hope this clears everything up. Any questions please let me know. All the best and keep enjoying Hammer + Sickle.