Re: Little it again
The teacher told the History class to go home tonight and read Chapter 6, Section 4 and be prepared for a pop quiz on famous saying, who said them and what year they said them, tomorrow for a test grade. The next morning all the students had just finished their hour of English and was ready for the scheduled History class. The teacher told all students to place their notebooks and textbooks under their seats and prepare for an oral quiz.
As the teacher stood in front of her student she said "Alright class, your first question of the test will be answered orally, and if you know the answer to the question raise your hand and wait to be called on".
Alright class you can tell me you said "I cannot tell a lie, I chopped the cherry tree down with my axe". The class got real quiet, and little Mary in the front seat said, "The Father of our country, George Washington, 1718". The teacher smiled and said you are correct Mary, that's a 100. Next the teacher asked, "All right class who can tell me who said, "Give me liberty or give me death". No one the the classroom would offer an answer. Finally a little Mexican boy slowly lifted his hand and the teacher said "alright Juan, stand up next to your desk and tell us, who said give me liberty or give me death?" Juan stood up and said "Patrick Henry, 1776". The teacher said yes Juan, you are absolutely correct, and all you other children should be ashamed of yourself". Furthermore, the teacher said "here Juan is not even a naturalized citizen of the United States and he knew the answer to that question".
Little red headed Johnny was sitting in the back of the class, and muttered "F@ck that Mexican!" The teacher yelled out "who said that?" Little Johnny jumped up with his chest stuck out and yelled, "SAM HOUSTON, 1836".