Originally Posted by Langod
I've had an 88 Bronco with a 351
and a 92 F-150 with the straight 6.
Also had a 95 Chevy 2500HD.
I'm a more of a Ford guy though and I'm hoping to dump my current Nissan Maxima daily driver for a somewhat recent F-150 4x4
Originally Posted by deschete
Toyota. At least I'll have a transmission past 100,000 miles!
All three of my trucks above went to 170K miles or more. The Chevy was at 225K when I sold it. They guy I sold it to still has it and it's around 250K now.
I'll grant you fit and finish on the japanese trucks -- and maybe even overall "quality" -- but not longevity. If you maintain a Ford or Chevy full size truck it'll pretty much go forever in my experience.
Small trucks are different. Rangers / S10s are crap compared to the old Toyota SR5(?) pickups.