just a rant
So I coach a U19 hardball league this year and I love the game and the kids I coach but this year was a struggle, its the first year for this age group in the league we entered in. So we didn't get a large turn out for the team (only 12 on the roster) and these were not the cream of the crop kids but they wanted to play and they worked hard. Well last night was the last game of the year and we had a horrible season when I say horrible I don't mean just bad I mean we didn't win a single game all year. I addressed the kids last night and told them, they should be proud that it was hard to go through what they did all season getting beat sometimes by double digits, and still show up the next night and give it their all. They were down and out but some kids got it and held their heads up high. I just fell bad for them, I'm going to coach them again in the Fall and hope we can improve on our weakness and turn it around.... Just a little rant to say that I'm very proud to be their coach and look forward to another season soon.
Enjoy your day!
Live fast, hard, everyday like its your last.