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Old 07-16-2013, 11:23 AM   #29
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Default Re: Favorite Vitola?

Originally Posted by Blak Smyth View Post
I don't know why but there is something special about lanceros, they seem almost magical. Even though I have had better tasting vitolas, the lancero remains my favorite. This was the case with NCs and holds true now with CCs.

Don't know if I am the only one who feels this way, I never really thought about it before today.
The smaller RG cigars are more difficult to blend, and to roll. The quality of leaf I would think has to be higher all around to get the blend to deliver with fewer leaves. Since they are also harder to roll, I would imagine that only the better torcedors in the factory are rolling them.

So, I would agree with your perception of lanceros, and smaller rg cigars in general.
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