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Old 07-16-2013, 08:59 AM   #19
Still Watching My Back
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Default Re: Can you smoke your own at Casa Fuente in Vegas if you're drinking?

The ambiance wasn't anything to write home about. The patio is cramped (even when you're not in a corner) between a wall and an escalator. If you did smoke at one of the tables inside, it would feel more like smoking in a gift shop than a lounge. Smoking at the bar probably wouldn't be bad, but I can see it possibly being hard to get a seat there in the evening.

I'm too cheap to try the house-label Casa Fuente cigars, though the other sticks weren't quite as overpriced as I had been lead to believe (Chateau Fuente was $10, same stick is $6 at my local shop). If you're looking to drop $35 on an Opus X or $120-$150 on a Lost City, I guess this would be as a good a place to do so as any and they seemed to have the full lines of both.

Based on the time of day we were there (~10am both times) we didn't try the Mojitos, though they did look good.

I'd say the two biggest positives were the coffee and having a place to smoke while your wife shops... but in Vegas, it's not like there's a shortage of places to smoke.
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