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Old 07-16-2013, 08:51 AM   #13
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Default Re: Nitro, Dulce Vita, VS 55 Infused, & other Thompson Exclusive Infus

My impressions of the Dolce Vita are mixed. The Cafe Con Leche (Connecticut) 4.5 x 54 Figurado was harsh the whole way through. The Cafe Espresso (Maduro) 6 x 54 Figurado was smooth with hints of coffee and chocolate... this was a bit of a surprise as it has an intense pre-light smell of chocolate bubble-gum, but none of that comes through in the smoke. The Barber-Pole 7x38 Lancero wasn't bad but smoked hot. The Sweet Connecticut 6 x 50 Toro was very similar to a Baccarat.

If I were to purchase these again, it would probably be the Cafe Espresso 6 x 54 Figurado, or possibly the Barber Pole 6 x 54 Figurado.
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