About three or more years ago, there was a famous bust up north, where literally
tons of cigars were shown as trophies by an agency of your gubmint.
The found the Rosetta stone of importation, they finally knew what all the
boxes had in common, they could, with no doubt of success, pull a box off
the line that looked like the Rosetta stone box and be nearly 100% confident
that inside would be cigars that you were not allowed to import. And then
people began noticing that sometimes, boxes would go off the radar for MONTHS,
then mysteriously show up at their doors untouched. I told anyone who would listen
that I believed that your boxes were being scrutinized, your names were being recorded,
and that big brother
NOW knew what you were up to without having to open up the box.
What held up the boxes for so long?? X-rays perhaps, psychics....?
It might be up to YOU later to prove that the contents were NOT illegal...maybe...one day...
Welcome to the future.
Your Welcome, and.........I told you so.